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Global Exchange (GEX)
Reserved Area Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS)
GEX Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What can I use GEX for?

    GEX is the Global Exchange. The GEX is part of the Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS) solution. GEX facilitates data routing and data translation services as part of the DAAS mission. GEX can be used to route data between systems, it can be used to translate data between data formats, and it can also apply validation rules as part of the translation capabilities.

  2. How do I use it?

    The GEX is intended for system-to-system data exchanges. Given that the GEX supports system-to-system data exchanges, there is not a user interface for customers to utilize. To communicate with the GEX, you must first have a need to exchange data between systems is a system-to-system (non-human) interaction. Then, you need to work with DAAS to relay your requirement and develop an MOA/PBA and provide your ATO. Once the supporting paperwork is completed, the GEX administration team can work with you to implement your data exchanges.

  3. How long does it take?

    The time required to implement a customer’s requirement is dependent on the scope and complexity of the specific requirement.

  4. How much does it cost?

    Routing data through the GEX solution (pass-through data) is part of the DAAS core services and there is no charge for core services. If you require custom data translations, reports, or other features that have to be developed, there will be a cost associated with the development and testing efforts. The cost would be based on the scope and complexity of the requirement.

  5. Does it support communication protocol?

    The DAAS solution has the capability of supporting secure protocols, including SFTP, MQ, and HTTPS (web services).

  6. Does it support web services?

    Yes, GEX can support web services. There are many different implementations of web services, so please contact the DAAS EBUS team to discuss your specific requirement.

  7. Is it secure?

    Yes, the GEX is secure. GEX is deployed as part of the DAAS solution, which is accredited via the Risk Management Framework (RMF) and has an Authority to Operate.

  8. Does it support data standard?

    The GEX can process data in many formats, including X12, XML, and user defined formats. GEX also has the capability of processing specific data standards built on top of the standard data formats described above. These include, but are not limited to Defense Logistics Management Standard (DLMS), Procurement Data Standard (PDS), and Purchase Request Data Standard (PRDS).

  9. Can I use non-standard data formats?

    Yes. The GEX is capable of processing data in non-standard formats, which are commonly referred to as User Defined Format (UDF). If the GEX is required to utilize data content in a UDF transaction, the customer needs to be able to provide the GEX personnel with the specifics of the data layout.

  10. Can GEX handle my volume of transactions per day?

    On days with larger data volumes, GEX processes approximately one million transactions a day for customers. Data processing requirements, communications protocols, and network performance are the key components when determining the volume capacity for a customer.

  11. Can GEX handle transactions that are MB each?

    Depending on data processing requirements, GEX can process 500 MB files when translation is required and 2 GB when it is just a pass-through. If you have requirements for larger file sizes, please contact DAAS to discuss as larger sizes are possible depending on processing needs.

  12. How are stakeholders notified about GEX releases?

    GEX releases are posted on the restricted version of the GEX website. GEX releases are deployed in a manner that reduces downtime to customers. During extended downtimes for scheduled maintenance, GEX customers are notified of the specifics via email notification so they can plan accordingly.

  13. How is GEX funded?

    The DAAS environment, which includes the GEX, is funded via the Service Level Bill. DAAS manages the GEX and maintains the core functionality of the GEX using the funding generated by the service level bill. Custom data integrations and other requirements are funded by the customer requiring the solution via the GEX IDIQ contract vehicle.

  14. What is the technology baseline for GEX?

    The GEX is an integration of COTS, open source, and custom code that has been developed to fulfill the Government’s data integration requirements. For security purposes, specifics of the GEX code baseline are not disclosed. For translation, GEX currently uses the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender and Ab Initio products.

  15. Can I migrate translations currently done in to GEX?

    If a translation is currently being facilitated by another system, then most likely the translation can be moved to the GEX. Requirements would need to be delivered to the DAAS EBUS team and depending on the requirement, the customer may need to fund and place a task order against the GEX IDIQ contract vehicle to have the translation developed and tested. Due to the nature of the GEX, GEX is unable to accept maps from developers other than our approved GEX developers. This helps to ensure system integrity, availability, and security.

  16. What procedures must an activity follow to place work on the GEX contract?

    Activities must follow the instructions outlined in the ‘Utilizing the GEX IDIQ’ section of the web site.

  17. How are transactions confirmed across the GEX (e.g. send and receive)? How does an activity know when a transaction fails?

    GEX can provide reports to customers that identify what was sent and received on specific channels. Additionally, for customers that use data translation/validation, GEX can provide acknowledgements on the status of translation/validation performed. If a customer wants something specific for their data exchange, the customer should contact the EBUS team for options. In some cases, customers may need to have a custom solution developed via the GEX IDIQ contract vehicle.

  18. Are there capabilities for data mining?

    GEX does not currently support data mining.

  19. How are channels set up?

    Channels are established on the GEX by the GEX administration team.

  20. Who can set up maps?

    Maps must be developed by an approved developer. The EBUS PMO maintains a GEX IDIQ contract vehicle to enable customers to obtain customized GEX maps. Due to system integrity, availability, and security requirements, DAAS is unable to accept maps from developers outside of the GEX IDIQ contract vehicle.

  21. What is the difference between a map and a channel?

    A channel is terminology in the GEX world that identifies a connection and associated configuration with a system that data is being routed to or received from. A map is utilized to provide data translation or validation services.

  22. Do I have to use a Value Added Network (VAN)?

    VANs are frequently utilized by commercial trading partners to exchange data with the GEX, however, it is not required that a VAN is utilized. For Government trading partners, a VAN is not required.

  23. Can I use GEX for classified data?

    No, at this time, the GEX does not process classified data.

  24. Where do I go to get help?

    To contact the DAAS EBUS team regarding GEX, please contact DAAS Customer Support at 937-656-3247 and request an EDI ticket be created. Please provide as many details to the Customer Support technician as you can.

  25. When do I have to have an MOA/PBA?

    Any system that connects to DAAS to exchange data must have a signed MOA/PBA document with DAAS. Along with the MOA/PBA, customers must provide a copy of their Authority to Operate (ATO), Interim Authority to Operate (IATO), or equivalent security documentation.

  26. Is there a format for an MOA/PBA?

    Yes. Contact the DAAS Agreements team to obtain a copy of the current template.