README for GEX 5.0 Map Update
Version 18
2 December 2016
Problem (IR-17): 820 Advice of Payment (AOP) and Advice of Collection (AOC) User
Defined Format (UDF) transactions received from Business Enterprise Information
Services (BEIS) contain a Routing ID that indicates whether a given transaction
should be routed to the Defense Travel System (DTS) or to DTS Modernization
(BridgeX), however when the Routing ID contains "NEXT_GEN_" indicating that it
should be routed to BridgeX, the DCD-DTS2 U2X map is mapping the Routing ID "as
is" to the GS03 element in the X12 820 without appending "AOP" or "AOC", such
that it cannot be discerned as to whether the X12 820 is an AOP or AOC, or how
it should be routed.
Solution (IR-17): Modified the DCD-DTS2 U2X map so that when Routing ID contains
"NEXT_GEN_", the GS03 element in the X12 820 will be populated with either
"NEXT_GEN_AOP" or "NEXT_GEN_AOC" depending on whether it's an AOP or AOC.