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Reserved Area Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS)

Version 06 
6 May 2016



Enhancement:  This update is in preparation for the Standard Procurement System 
(SPS) SR16 Contract Number / Procurement Instrument Identifier (PIID) formatting 
changes projected to occur after 1 October.  The Defense Finance and Accounting 
Service (DFAS) provided new mapping logic to handle cases where the 
<AwardDoNumber> value is larger than 4 positions by mapping it into the CAPS-W 
PO record AWD_PIIN and PL record AL_PIIN fields.


Enhancement:  Modified graph to address cardinality changes and resulting 
validation rules for allowing multiple Cost Center, Business Unit and Department 
Identifier elements.


Enhancement:  This update is in preparation for the SPS SR16 Contract Number/PIID 
formatting changes projected to occur after 1 October. DFAS provided new mapping 
logic to handle cases where the <AwardDoNumber> value is larger than 4 positions 
by mapping it into the IAPS Contract and Item record Award PIIN fields.


Enhancement:  This graph will be used to perform structural and data validation 
of transactions against the Treasury Invoice Processing Platform (IPP) Refund 
standard schema version 1.0 as part of the associated Intragovernmental 
Transactions (IGT) data exchanges.


1. Enhancement:  Modified graph to persist file naming, such that inbound files 
placed in its queue directory will retain their file names following translation 
and transfer to the data-out directory.

2. Enhancement:  Modified graph to process multiple files and create multiple 
outbound files, which decreases the need for time separation between inbound 


1. Enhancement:  Added a validation that a period of performance cannot be 
provided on supply line items. (Warning)

2. Enhancement:  Added a check to $1 unit prices on line items.  Resultant 
message denotes if the line item is a supply line or not. (Warning)

3. Enhancement:  Added validation that North American Industry Classification 
System (NAICS) cannot be on a line item.

4. Enhancement:  Added format validation for NAICS.  It must be 6 numeric digits 
and cannot begin with 42, 43, 44, or 45. (Warning)

5. Enhancement:  Added a validation that checks that no obligated amounts are 
allowed on an option line item.

6. Enhancement:  An informational message is provided if Federal Acquisition 
Regulation (FAR) 52.213-1 appears in the procurement document.

7. Enhancement:  Added validation that requires fill in information for FAR 
52.216-19 on IDIQ, IDDQ, and requirements documents.  (Warning)

8. Enhancement:  Added two routing variables.  PDS-Pay-Office-DoDAAC contains the 
pay office DoDAAC; PIDS-Issuing-Office-DoDAAC, the issuing office DoDAAC.

9. Problem:  All Place of Performance addresses were required to have one or more 
of CAGE, DoDAAC, DUNS, DUNS+4, and MAPAC.  This holds true for US addresses only.

Solution:  Changed validation so that one or more of CAGE, DoDAAC, DUNS, DUNS+4, 
and MAPAC is required only when the place of performance is a US addresses.

10. Enhancement:  Added the validation that more than one document structure 
cannot be used in the same document.  For example, a construction format cannot 
be mixed with a Uniform Contract Format (UCF) format.

11. Enhancement:  Added new Product Service Code to the list of valid values.  
Also, added the start year and ending year for new and inactive codes so that the 
list of valid Product Service Codes is based on the fiscal year of the 
procurement document.

12. Enhancement:  Added a validation to require a minimum and maximum order limit 
on IDDQ and Requirements documents.  (Warning).

13. Enhancement:  Changed the requirement for a minimum and maximum order limit 
on an IDIQ document from a fatal error to a warning.

14. Enhancement:  Added validation that requires DFARS 252.211-7003 on supply 
contracts.  (Warning)

15. Enhancement:  For a contractor address that is not on the DD 254, a CAGE code 
must be provided.  In addition, if it is a US contractor, DUNS or DUNS+4 is also 
required.  (Warning)

16. Enhancement:  Added validation that Surveillance Criticality Designator is 
required when the DPAS Priority Rating begins with “DX”.  (Warning)

17. Enhancement:  Added the validation that document numbers issued by DoD must 
be provided in the Procurement Instrument Number section.  (Warning)

18. Enhancement:  Added the capability to check CAGE codes against the complete 
list of valid CAGES.  Previously, the CAGE was only checked against the list of 
valid contractors at the System for Access Management (SAM).  Along with this, 
the CAGE check was changed from a warning to a fatal error.

PDS-X12-MOD v9

1. Problem:  The segment count is not consistently correct in the X12 860 output.

Solution:  Updated the translation logic to count segments produces.

2. Problem:  POC06 and POC07 are conditional data elements in the X12 860, such 
that if one is present, both are required.  Some X12 860 instances contained PPO 
segments with only a POC06 data element.

Solution:  Added logic to map POC07 when POC06 is present.  Updated lookup logic 
for eXtensible Markup Language (XML) tag enumeration list translation to POC07 


Enhancement:  Updated graph updated to loop through and return the Attachment’s 
Data Element, the TargetActions composite, and the SystemInformation composite.


1. Enhancement:  Added format validation for NAICS.  It must be 6 numeric digits 
and cannot begin with 42, 43, 44, or 45. (Warning)

2. Enhancement:  Added a validation that checks that no committed amounts are 
allowed on an option line item.

3. Enhancement:  Added a check to $1 unit prices on line items.  Resultant 
message denotes if the line item is a supply line or not. (Warning)

4. Problem:  All Place of Performance addresses were required to have one or more 
of CAGE, DoDAAC, DUNS, DUNS+4, and MAPAC.  This holds true for US addresses only.
Solution:  Changed validation so that one or more of CAGE, DoDAAC, DUNS, DUNS+4, 
and MAPAC is required only when the place of performance is a US addresses.

5. Enhancement:  Added the validation that more than one document structure 
cannot be used in the same document.  For example, a construction format cannot 
be mixed with a UCF format.

6. Enhancement:  Added new Product Service Code to the list of valid values.  
Also, added the start year and ending year for new and inactive codes so that the 
list of valid Product Service Codes is based on the fiscal year of the procurement 

7. Enhancement:  Added a validation that a period of performance cannot be 
provided on supply line items. (Warning)

8. Enhancement:  Added the capability to check CAGE codes against the complete 
list of valid CAGES.  Previously, the CAGE was only checked against the list of 
valid contractors at SAM.  Along with this, the CAGE check was changed from a 
warning to a fatal error.


Enhancement:  Added new standalone batch graph SAM-LOCAL to generate and maintain 
lookup tables from monthly and daily public extract files downloaded from SAM, 
which capture a snapshot in time of the SAM database.  The PDS-VAL and PRDS-VAL 
graphs will access the resulting lookup tables to validate DUNS and CAGE values 
provided that a given DUNS or CAGE value can be found in the lookup tables and 
that the lookup tables are less than 24 hours old.  Refer to the PDS-VAL and 
PRDS-VAL Interface Deployment Guide (IDG) addendum for SAM-LOCAL for instructions 
to transition to using SAM-LOCAL lookup tables for DUNS and CAGE validation. 


Enhancement:  This graph will be used to automatically upload and process Master 
Appropriate File data and Standard Financial Information Structure (SFIS) from 
the Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) website to be used as part of the 
Standard Line of Accounting (SLOA) validation process.


Enhancement:  This graph will be used to translate data received from the 
Treasury Payment Automation Manager (PAM) application into a standard schema 
format to be processed for consumption by Defense Contract Administrative Service