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Global Exchange (GEX)
Reserved Area Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS)

Version 08 
15 July 2016



Enhancement:  This new graph will be used internally by Northrop Grumman to 
automatically generate eXtensible Markup Language (XML)  test data files for 
validating proper functionality of the Treasury Invoice Processing Platform 
(IPP) and Funds Balance with Treasury (FBwT) validation graphs.


Enhancement:  Updates to graph include Standard Line of Accounting (SLOA) 
validation rules and standardizing error codes among the Treasury IPP and FBwT 
validation graphs.


Enhancement:  This graph will be used to perform structural and data validation 
of transactions against the Treasury Payment Automation Manager (PAM) Standard 
Payment Request (SPR) version 5.0 flat file format as part of the associated 
FBwT data exchanges.


Enhancement:  This graph will be used to perform structural and data validation 
of transactions against the Treasury IPP and the FBwT Payment/Collection 
standard schema version 1.0 as part of the associated data exchanges.

PDS-X12 v15

Problem:  The size of the PER02 Contact Name field in the output X12 850 Line 
Item loops is allowing values larger than the maximum limit of 60 characters.  
This causes downstream translation failure in the EDA-SYN map.

Solution:  Revised the PER02 data type to truncate the incoming Procurement Data 
Standard (PDS) XML value for the Contact Name data element at 60 characters.

PDS-X12-MOD v11

1. Enhancement:  Added the ability to execute the web service call to Electronic 
Document Access (EDA) to obtain the Contract Conformance View (CCV) using HTTP 
passthrough channels configured on GEX.  This technique is required at DLA 
Transaction Services production GEX sites.

2. Enhancement:  Added functionality to match specific CCVs through the web 
service calls based on Contract Number, Delivery Order Number, and Modification 

3. Enhancement:  Added route trimming and cancelling functionality for PDS 
Modification XMLs that do not match with CCVs in EDA.  When a PDS Modification 
XML is processed without a corresponding CCV in EDA, the GEX processing is 
cancelled and does not populate the error queue.  Not all PDS Modification 
XMLs will have a corresponding CCV in EDA.


Enhancement:  Updated the graph to address an identified bug with the population 
of the Availability Type code tables used in the SLOA validation graph.


Enhancement: This new graph will be used to split batch Treasury Payment 
Automation Manager (PAM) Standard Reporting Format (SRF) transactions, perform 
structural and data validation of transactions against the PAM-SRF flat file 
format and translate the transactions into the FBwT Treasury SRF standard schema
version 1.0 as part of the associated data exchanges.


Enhancement:  Modified graph to remove comma from data element Attachment Line 
Item Number when the Portable Document Format (PDF) extract is converted to 
XML.  This enhancement is required to ensure the Item Unique Identification 
(IUID) Registry can process files with over 1,000 Line Item Numbers.