Version 11
7 October 2016
Problem: When the compatibility mode is set to AI, vice AI, a
graph component that previously allowed an input with a warning is now flagged
as an error and the CAPS-SNAP graph no longer functions properly.
Solution: Modified the graph component to function properly when compatibility
mode is set to AI
Enhancement: Updated graph to adjust content based route criteria logic and
updates performed resulting from re-baselining of string and alphanumeric error
codes in the Cash Accountability Data Standard (CADS) error message template.
Enhancement: This standalone batch graph will be used to provide a database
connection to the Defense Automatic Addressing System Center Inquiry (DAASINQ)
Department of Defense Activity Address File (DODAAF) data source for the purpose
of periodic download of the database table to a local lookup table for reference
by GEX graphs to perform Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC)
validation functions.
Enhancement: Updated graph resulting from re-baselining of string and
alphanumeric error codes in CADS error message template.
Enhancement: Updated graph resulting from re-baselining of string and
alphanumeric error codes in CADS error message template and to facilitate the
reference to the Standard Line of Accounting (SLOA) common library (sloa-common)
for the validation of SLOA data.
Enhancement: This standalone batch graph will be used to provide a data base
connection to the DAASINQ MAPREC data source for the purpose of periodic download
of the database table to a local lookup table for reference by GEX graphs to
perform Military Address Program Address Code (MAPAC) validation functions.
Enhancement: Updated graph to address reclassifying of fatal errors to warnings
and addressing how errors are handled within the graph.
Enhancement: Updated graph to include changes to error reporting logic for
required fields in the Treasury Accounting Symbol-Business Event Type Code
(TAS-BETC) record, Schedule Trailer, and Trailer total amount records.
Enhancement: Updated graph to include new logic changes for ALC validation and
Batch Header Code enumeration changes.
Enhancement: This graph will be used to translate the Treasury Payment
Automation Manager (PAM) Standard Reporting Format (SRF) version 2.2.0 flat file
format into the Treasury Standard Reporting Format schema as a part of the Funds
Balance with Treasury (FBwT) data exchanges.
1. Enhancement: Added logic to accommodate the v4.1 PDS Validation Results (Ack)
XML and insert those elements that are common to both the v4.0 and v4.1 PDS Ack
XMLs into the PDS datamart.
2. Enhancement: Added logic for v4.1 PDS Ack XMLs such that if an Ack has
DocumentDescription containing either "Validation Test", "Conformance Test", or
"Funds Certification Request", a zero length file will be written to the PDS-RPT
queue directory such that the Ack will not be inserted into the PDS datamart.
PDS-X12 v16
1. Problem: PDS XML to X12 850 translation fails when the XML contains more
than one ShipToAddress.
Solution: Corrected the Ab Initio DML for the PDS XML to allow up to two
instances of ShipToAddress and map them to the X12 850.
2. Problem: PDS XML to X12 850 translation fails when the XML contains a
MarkValue but does not contain the optional MarkLabel element.
Solution: Corrected the PDS-X12 mapping logic to prevent translation failure
if the optional MarkLabel element is not present when mapping the MarkValue
in 1/MAN/270, 2/MAN/280 and 2/MAN/464.
PDS-X12-MOD v13
1. Enhancement: Updated the outbound 860 X12 (3050) GS08 to hardcode
2. Enhancement: Updated graph cancel logic based on unique Contract Number,
Delivery Order Number, and Modification Number.
Enhancement: Updated graph to include new error code changes for ALC, Check
Issue Date and Summary Total Amount validations, and Header and Trailer record
error reporting.
1. Enhancement: Changed the check for required elements that could only appear
once from a single error message (PRDS_L_F_01) to two error messages: one when
the element was missing (PRDS_L_F_12) and one when more than one instance was
provided (PRDS_L_F_12).
2. Enhancement: For Product Service Codes (PSCs) 7021 and 7035, changed so that
they are valid for FY 16 and beyond to reflect a change in the authoritative PSC
3. Enhancement: Added the ability to validate a SLOA provided as a string or as
discrete elements using the SLOA Validation Service.
4. Enhancement: Added format validations when the SLOA is provided as a string
Enhancement: This graph will be used to perform structural and data validation
of transactions against the Trial Balance version 1.0 standard schema as part
of the associated FBwT data exchanges.