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Reserved Area Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS)

README for GEX 5.0 Map Update
Version 17
23 November 2016



Enhancement:  Modified the DAI-AGREEMENTS U2X map to accommodate the re-ordering 
of two fields, TASK_NUMBER and CUSTOMER_NAME, and the consequential re-ordering 
of other fields in the incoming Agreements User Defined Format (UDF), which is 
mapped to the outgoing eXtensible Mark Language (XML).


Problem:  The DAI-WAWF4 U2X mapping logic is applying the Shipment Number value 
to the incorrect Approval XML element.  This results in the Shipment Number not
being mapped into the outgoing UpdatePaymentStatus XML file to Wide Area Work 
Flow (WAWF) Invoicing, Receipt, Acceptance and Property Transfer (iRAPT).

Solution:  Revised the DAI-WAWF4 U2X mapping logic to apply the Shipment Number
to the correct Approval XML element, which enables the correct outgoing mapping 
for the UpdatePaymentStatus XML.


Enhancement:  Modified the DCAS2-DAI3 U2X map to map Standard Financial 
Information Structure (SFIS) / Standard Line of Accounting (SLOA) elements mapped 
to DAI Accounts Payable (AP) XMLs and Accounts Receivable (AR) XMLs used with 
Monthly (MOS) transactions, which can yield the following combinations:
MOS AP and MOS AR, which is in keeping with the DCAS New Cash UDF-to-XML logical 


Problem:  The sizes of some recent production FACTS 858B UDF transactions cause 
a block element of data in the FACTS-TCMD U2X map to exceed the 64KB element 
size default.  

Solution:  Added paging override parameter using P128:16 to FACTS-TCMD's message 
descript file to permit larger FACTS 858B UDF files to be processed without 
overflowing the size limit.


Enhancement:  Modified the SABRS-WAWF-MP message descript file to invoke the new 
shared library ( being delivered in GEX that will add header and trailer records to outgoing Standard Accounting 
Budgeting and Reporting System (SABRS) UDF batch files to support new Defense 
Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) data transfer reconciliation requirements 
per the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) 


Enhancement:  Added STARS-FEEDBACK-ACK map family (WebSphere TX 8.0) to consume
STARS feedback files that are in response to STARS-WAWF-ACCT UDF batch files and
compare the Date Time, Record Count, and Absolute amount to data stored in a new 
WAWF correlation database being delivered in GEX  If the data matches, 
an acknowledgement XML will be generated to be sent to DFAS for retention.  If 
the data does not match, an acknowledgement XML will be generated to be sent to 
DFAS for action.  This map family supports new DFAS data transfer reconciliation 
requirements per ASN FM&C.  Please refer to the STARS WAWF Interface Deployment 
Guide (IDG) for details regarding CONOPS and channel/route configuration. 


Enhancement:  Modified the STARS-WAWF-ACCT message descript file to invoke the 
new shared library ( being delivered in GEX that will add header and trailer records to outgoing Standard Accounting 
and Reporting System (STARS) UDF batch files and make insertions into a new WAWF 
correlation database to support new DFAS data transfer reconciliation 
requirements per ASN FM&C. 


Problem: A production 810C WAWF extract failed WAWF3-INV U2X translation due to 
an optional 2/SAC/180 segment, which should be allowed.

Solution: The inbound and outbound type trees were modified to accommodate the 
optional 2/SAC/180 segment.