README for GEX 5.0 Map Update
Version 20
6 January 2017
Problem: The size of a recent production Financial and Air Clearance
Transportation System (FACTS) 858B X12 transaction caused a block element of data
in the FACTS-TCMD X2U map to exceed the 64KB element size default.
Solution: Added paging override parameter using P128:16 to FACTS-TCMD's message
descript file to permit larger FACTS 858B X12 transactions to be processed
without overflowing the size limit.
Problem: The size of a recent production Defense Travel System (DTS) 810 X12
transaction caused a block element of data in the ONEPAY-DTS2 X2U map to exceed
the 64KB element size default.
Solution: Added paging override parameter using P128:16 to ONEPAY-DTS2's
message descript file to permit larger DTS 810 X12 transactions be processed
without overflowing the size limit.
Enhancement: Modified the STARS-DTS2 message descript file to invoke the new
shared library (libiface_postbatch_STARS-DTS2.sl) being delivered in GEX
This update will add header and trailer records to outgoing Standard Accounting
and Reporting System (STARS) 821 and 810 User Defined Format (UDF) batch files to
support new Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) data transfer
reconciliation requirements per the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial
Management and Comptroller) (ASN FM&C). Further details will be provided
separately to coordinate the update installation.
Enhancement: Modified the STARSFL-PT message descript file to invoke the new
shared library (libiface_postbatch_STARSFL-PT.sl) that was delivered in GEX This update will add header and trailer records to outgoing STARS
- Field Level (FL) batch files for the interface with Syncada (PowerTrack) to
support new DFAS data transfer reconciliation requirements per the ASN FM&C.
Further details will be provided separately to coordinate the update
WAWF4 v6
Enhancement: Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) Invoicing, Receipt, Acceptance and
Property Transfer (iRAPT) sometimes extracts the PER segment without a telephone
number in the PER04 field. As a part of the update to WAWF 5.10 the PER segment
will no longer be extracted with the PER03 communications qualifier code "TE"
when PER04 is not present. Revised the premap1 to make both the PER03 and PER04
elements optional in the incoming STD_SHIP and STD_ACPT extracts. If mapping to
X12 with these elements not present in the extract, the U2X map will apply a
default value of "TE" to PER03 and "NOT AVAILABLE" to PER04.