Version 09
26 August 2016
General Changes:
Enhancement: Modified the compatibility mode setting sourced by the ai_xlator
service graph to use functionality available with Ab Initio version,
vice version
Enhancement: This graph will be used to perform a transaction split by Agency
Location Code (ALC), and structural and data validation of transactions against
the Treasury Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS) Transaction Daily Extract
(CTDE) version 1.0 standard schema as part of the associated Funds Balance with
Treasury (FBwT) data exchanges.
Enhancement: Modified graph for X12 214 and 315 transactions to permit "A1" as a
valid value for B103 in the X12 214 and for B403 in the X12 315.
Enhancement: Updated the graph to accommodate changes made in the Standard Line
of Accounting (SLOA) common library to increase the size of the Transaction Type
field for use in the SLOA-RPT graph.
Enhancement: This graph will be used to perform a translation of the Treasury
Payment, Claims, and Enhanced Reconciliation (PACER) Cancellation flat file
format into the Treasury Post Payment System (PPS) Common Format version 4.5.2
Cancellation schema as a part of the FBwT data.
Enhancement: This graph will be used to perform structural and data validation
of transactions against the Treasury PACER Cancellation flat file format as a
part of the FBwT data exchanges.
Enhancement: Updates to the graph to include new header and trailer level
validation rules. Updated the validation logic to cause ALC validation
errors to be fatal errors rather than warnings, resulting in transactions
with invalid ALCs to now fail translation.
Enhancement: This graph will be used to perform a transaction split by ALC, and
structural and data validation of transactions against the Treasury Payment
Automation Manager (PAM) Standard Reporting Format (SRF) version 2.2.0 flat file
format as part of the associated FBwT data exchanges.
Enhancement: Updates to graph include changing SLOA errors from informational
to warnings, and correctly populating the System Identifier and Transaction Type
elements when writing to the SLOA response validation log.
1. Enhancement: Separated PDS_L_F_01 error into two errors - one when the
element is missing (PDS_L_F_12); one when the element is provided 2 or more
times (PDS_L_F_07).
2. Enhancement: For reporting purposes, created unique error messages for UoM
(PDS_F_F_68), Currency (PDS_F_F_67), and Price Basis (PDS_F_F_69) to replace the
generic PDS_F_F_16.
3. Enhancement: For reporting purposes, created unique error messages for
Exchange Rate (PDS_F_F_70), Delivery Data (PDS_F_F_71), Line Item Amount
(PDS_F_F_72), Quantity (PDS_F_F_73), Unit Price (PDS_F_F_74), and Order Limits
(PDS_F_F_75) to replace the generic PDS_F_F_18.
4. Enhancement: The validation for payment instructions was modified so that it
no longer requires them to be on ordering instruments when they may be on the
individual orders. (Bug 401)
5. Enhancement: On Cost Plus Incentive Fee (Cost Based) documents, expanded the
search for FAR 52.216-10 to include line items. (Bug 365)
6. Enhancement: Do not allow FAR 52.216-10 on line items that are not Cost Plus
Incentive Fee (Cost Based) nor documents that are not Cost Plus Incentive Fee
(Cost Based) and have no Cost Plus Incentive Fee (Cost Based) line items.
(Bug 365)
7. Enhancement: Updated the validation for construction contracts so that
Performance Period Firmness is only required when the lead time event is Date of
Award or Date of Notice to Precede Receipt. It was required for all lead time
events. (Bug 374)
8. Enhancement: Added FAR 52.213-3 to the list of clauses used to determine
whether or not a document is considered to be and undefinitized contract action.
(Bug 414)
9. Enhancement: Added a warning that states FAR 52.213-3 cannot be used on
Purchase Orders.
10. Enhancement: Added a warning whenever the Total Contract Value is less than
the sum of the obligated amounts found on the line items.
11. Enhancement: Added a warning whenever the Obligated Amount for an Accounting
Classification Reference Number (ACRN) at the document level is not equal to the
sum of the Obligated Amounts for the same ACRN on the line items.
12. Enhancement: Added a warning that the same ACRN cannot be used more than
once at the document level.
13. Enhancement: Added a warning that Line of Accounting cannot have multiple
ACRNs associated with it.
14. Enhancement: Modified the validation requiring DFARS 252.211-7003 when
buying Personal Property so that it is not required on Call Orders, Delivery
Orders, or Task Orders. (Bug 427)
15. Enhancement: All Unit of Measure lists on PDS versions prior to PDS v2.5.1
were updated to accept all values that were added such as ‘U.S. Gallons At 60
Degrees Fahrenheitâ€.
16. Enhancement: Because of changing policy, 4 digit order numbers may be used
through March 31, 2017; thus, the error message prohibiting the use of
<OrderNumber> will be changed from PDS_V_F_21 to PDS_B_W_12.
17. Problem: The validation that ensures at least one element is provided when
the <OrganizationID> section is provided did not take into account the presence
of the new elements <DemanderCode> and <ShippingPostalCode>. (Bug 419)
Solution: Updated the validation by adding the new elements to the list of
elements under <OrganizationID>.
18. Problem: PSCTool.com incorrectly removed Product Service Codes 7021 and
7035 resulting in errors when used on documents prior to FY16.
Solution: Modified the FY on the table used in the validation to allow those
values on earlier documents.
19. Problem: For local clauses, a PDS_V_W_91 error is returned both for validly
and invalidly formatted clause numbers. Also, the error message being returned
is misleading. (Bug 424)
Solution: The code was modified to return the error only when the local clause
is formatted incorrectly. The error message was expanded to clarify why the
error occurred.
PDS-X12-MOD v12
1.Problem: Acknowledgements resulting from cancelled X12 860 transactions are
being sent to the GEX error queue.
Solution: Updated the acknowledgement for cancelled X12 860 transactions so
that they will no longer populate the GEX error queue.
2. Enhancement: Modified the web service calls performed by the graph and
persisted by the HTTP channels on GEX (passthrough) to make use of the “Follow
Redirect†functionality that is included in GEX core update
Enhancement: This graph will be used to perform structural and data validation
of transactions against the Treasury Payment Information Repository (PIR) version
2.0.1 flat file format as a part of the FBwT data exchanges.
1. Enhancement: Modified graph and run script to provide graph error reporting,
including specific syntax errors and warnings for individual System for Award
Management (SAM) extract records and a summary of the number successfully
2. Enhancement: Modified graph so that lookup table file last-modified
timestamps will not be updated if there weren’t any SAM extract records
successfully processed.
3. Enhancement: Added run script validations to ensure that SAM extract files with
invalid names (e.g. not ending in either “DAILY_<YYYYMMDD>.dat†or
“MONTHLY_<YYYYMMDD>.datâ€) are deleted from either in_temp or in_data without
Enhancement: Updated the graph to accommodate changes made in the SLOA common
library to increase the size of the Transaction Type field for use in the
SLOA-RPT graph.
Enhancement: This graph will be used to generate reports that result from the
logging of SLOA errors that occur for all transactions that invoke the SLOA
common library graph.
Enhancement: Modified graph to relax validation for Contract Number fields to
allow the letters "I" and "O" in Unique Identification (UID) Schema version 5.2.