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Reserved Area Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS)

Version 15 
6 January 2017



Enhancement:  Updated graph to produce results compliant with Cash Accountability 
Data Standard (CADS) acknowledgement schema and utilize the Recognized Agency 
Location Code (ALC) table to produce the appropriate routing variables.


Enhancement:  This new graph will be used to perform structural and data 
validation of transactions against the International Treasury Services ( 
Foreign Check Payment version 1.0 standard data format as part of the associated 
Funds Balance with Treasury (FBwT) data exchanges. 


Enhancement:  This new graph will be used to perform structural and data 
validation of transactions against the Foreign Wire Payment version 1.0 
standard data format as part of the associated FBwT data exchanges.


Enhancement:  This graph will be used to perform structural and data validation 
of transactions against the Foreign Wire Payment version 1.0 standard 
data format as part of the associated FBwT data exchanges.

PDS-X12 v18

1. Enhancement:  Added the capability to process Procurement Data Standard (PDS) 
version 2.5.1 Award eXtensible Markup Language (XML) files as inputs to the 4010 
and 3050 850 X12 translation.

2. Problem:  The 4010 X12 850 MSG01 element in some cases exceeds the maximum 
size of 264 characters when wrapping an XML text element into multiple MSG 

Solution: Corrected the MSG01 mapping process to ensure the size is limited to 
the maximum of 264 characters.

3. Problem:  For the 3050 850 output used by the Mechanization of Contract 
Administration Services (MOCAS), the line item was including two "Ship To" 
address N1 loops due to the presence of the ShipToAddress in two separate places 
in the PDS XML line item.

Solution: Limited the mapping of the "Ship To" address to only the one produced 
from the line item Delivery address list.

4. Problem:  The Line Item Amount enumerated values in the Award XML did not 
align correctly with the 3050 850R1 Implementation Convention AMT01 code list.

Solution: Revised the 35f850_data_value_lookup.txt lookup table crosswalk for 
the AMT01 element in the 2/AMT/600 segment to limit and match the mapping to the 
set of AMT01 codes provided in the 3050 850R1 IC as approved by the Defense 
Contract Management Agency (DCMA).

PDS-X12-MOD v14

Problem:  The 860  X12 MSG01 segments are populating with more than 264 
characters.  This is in conflict with the 860 X12 Implementation Convention.

Solution:  When inbound XML tags (multiple places in the PDS schema) contain 
greater than 264 characters, the PDS-X12-MOD graph will map the first 264 
characters to the MSG01, then create additional MSG segment(s) with MSG01 data 
elements that either contain 264 characters or less (for the last MSG segment).