Version 17
10 February 2017
AI_XLATOR (service graph)
Enhancement: Modified the reject threshold of the publish component to “Never
Abort†such that the service graph will not fail or shut down after the one-hour
timeout - it will continue to run and process the next incoming requests.
Enhancement: This new graph will be used to perform a translation on an inbound
Standard Form (SF) 133 file into the approved Treasury File A format in support
of the Digital Accountability and Traceability Act (DATA Act) as part of the
associated Funds Balance with Treasury (FBwT) data exchanges.
Enhancement: This new graph will be used to perform structural and data
validation of transactions against the Standard Form (SF) 133 data standard in
support of the DATA Act as part of the associated FBwT data exchanges.
Enhancement: The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Integrated
Accounts Payable System (IAPS) program manager provided updated requirements for
handling negative amounts in the "Quantity" and "Line Item Fund Amount" fields.
As requested by DFAS, revised the IAPS-SPS graph to suppress the minus sign "-"
when mapping the QuantityDelta and FundAmountDelta elements in the event those
values are presented as negative numbers in the Standard Procurement System (SPS)
xProcurement eXtebsible Markup Language (XML).
Enhancement: Updated the graph to allow for an additional content based routing
capability using the Agency Location Code (ALC).
1. Enhancement: Issues a warning if a contract has both a delivery lead time
and a delivery date for the same item.
2. Enhancement: Added checks to ensure that the policy change that states only
FEDMALL may use Type Code "M" for Purchase Orders, Call Orders, Delivery Orders,
and Task Orders beginning in FY 17 is being followed.
3. Enhancement: Added warning if a contractor address is provided without a
Small/Other than Small business classification. Added another warning if a
non-contractor address is provided with a Small/Other than Small business
4. Enhancement: Expanded the validation that only allows Order Dependent to be
true on an ordering instrument to cover mods for version 2.5 and later. (warning)
5. Enhancement: Clause 52.223-18 is required on all awards except for orders.
6. Enhancement: Added check for to ensure that generic Data Universal Numbering
System (DUNS) and Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE) codes are not
being used to identify contractors on awards or modifications.
7. Enhancement: Added a warning if none or both of 52.213-4 and 52.232-40 are
present on awards except for orders (one only must be present).
8. Enhancement: Added a warning to PDS versions prior to v2.5.1 if the Standard
Industry Classification (SIC) code is used. It was replaced by the North American
Industry Classification System (NAICS) effective October 1, 2000. Value was
removed from the enumeration list in PDS v2.5.1.
9. Enhancement: PDS v2.3 and v2.4 documents updated to return Validation Response
format v4.1 to allow error numbers greater than 99.
10. Enhancement: Bypasses the check that the Total Contract Value must be equal or
greater than the sum of the obligated amounts at the line item for documents
issued or paid in a foreign currency.
11. Enhancement: Updated the currency and country codes used in validations to
reflect the latest ISO updates.
12. Enhancement: Skips the check of Product Service Codes (PSCs) against the PSC
Tool list for conformed documents from Electronic Document Access (EDA).
13. Enhancement: Modified the PSC check to on 4 digit orders to use the
signature date to determine the FY instead of the FY from the ordering
14. Enhancement: Added clause 52.232-22 to list that determines if a contract
action is subject to the availability of funds which then determines what amounts
are required/prohibited. Also added orders to the list of vehicles that may
carry these clauses.
15. Problem: Error messages PDS_A_F_05 and PDS_A_F_06 did not list all of the
clauses used to determine if a document is subject to the availability of funds
or is incrementally funded.
Solution: Error message text was updated to include 52.213-3.
16. Problem: Files with a large number of line items were taking over an hour
to process in production, triggering a Tomcat threshold that would then stop and
start Ab Initio.
Solution: Modified the code that was creating three tables of information to use
a local variable instead of passing in the data structure which reduced the
processing time.
PDS-X12-MOD v15
Enhancement: Updated the graph lookup tables to include additional 860 X12
Implementation Convention (IC) codes.
1. Enhancement: Added check to prevent a Funds Certification Request since no
accounting system is capable of performing one at this time.
2. Enhancement: Added check for to ensure that generic DUNS and CAGE codes are
not being used to identify contractors on purchase requests.
3. Enhancement: Updated the currency and country codes used in validations to
reflect the latest International Organization for Standardization (ISO) updates.
4. Enhancement: Removed all Standard Line of Accounting (SLOA) format
validations on the Line Of Accounting string except when the string begins with
"^" on a non-Direct Cite Intragovernmental transaction that does not require a
procurement action. For those, only the SLOA Service validation will be performed.
5. Enhancement: Changed the format validation for Intragovernmental Order
Agreement numbers to reflect the latest structure. Previously, it was 1-30
characters with positions 7-14 and 16-23 numeric. Now it is 1-20 characters with
positions 7-14 and 16-23 alphanumeric.
6. Enhancement: PRDS v1.1 updated to return Validation Response format v4.1 to
allow error numbers greater than 99.
7. Enhancement: Added a warning to PRDS v1.1 if the SIC code is used. It was
replaced by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) effective
October 1, 2000. Value was removed from the enumeration list in PRDS v2.0.