Version 18
10 March 2017
Enhancement: Updated the graph to include a new file level error message for an
invalid User Defined Format (UDF) structure, and added an indexing capability
into the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) acknowledgement file.
Enhancement: Updated the graph to include a new file level error message for an
invalid UDF structure, add an indexing capability into the XML acknowledgement
file, and suppress additional invalid Standard Line of Accounting (SLOA) service
PDS-X12-MOD v16
1. Problem: The 860 X12 MSG01 segments are being populating with more than 264
characters, which is in conflict with the 860 X12 Implementation Convention (IC).
Solution: When inbound XML tags (multiple places in the PDS schema) contain more
than 264 characters, the PDS-X12-MOD graph will map the first 264 characters to
the MSG01, then create additional MSG segment(s), where MSG01 data elements
contain 264 characters or less.
2. Enhancement: Updated the PDS-X12-MOD graph to support various XML tag
enumeration values that were added in PDS 2.5.1.
1. Enhancement: Updated handling for characters sets so that the graph uses utf8
character set instead of some fields being set to iso-latin-8859-1.
2. Enhancement: Added <Results>Pass</Results> to V1 acks to replace <Result/>
for pass validation files.
3. Enhancement: Added validations for Date fields not passing MM/DD/YYYY format.
4. Enhancement: Added validations for Delivery Details section (On Or Before)
and Event Driven (Duration, Time Unit, and Delivery Event) not provided.
5. Enhancement: Added validations for Item Name, Item Description, QTY, Unit Of
Measure, and Use As Is data fields.
6. Enhancement: Added graph functionality to handle badly formatted PDF/XML
files more gracefully and not crash the graph.
7. Enhancement: Updated Reference Procurement Instrument validations to max 30
versus max 50.