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Reserved Area Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS)

Version 22 
5 May 2017





Enhancement: Updated the graph to address error message bugs, remove blank index 
attributes from the nack file, and modify routing variables for clarity.


Enhancement: Updated the graph to make Check Symbol Number a required field in 
the Post Payment System (PPS) file, and added new translation logic to populate 
it from the Payment, Claims, and Enhanced Reconciliation (PACER) User Defined 
Format (UDF) file.


1. Enhancement:  Added a validation to prevent modfications from Electronic 
Document Access (EDA).

2. Enhancement:  Added a warning to check that Commercial and Government Entity 
Code (CAGE) codes provided as Product Service Data are valid. (warning)

3. Enhancement:  Removed the exception for SF 1449 from the requirement that 
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 252.203-7002 and 
252.225-7048 must be provided.

4. Enhancement:  Modified the validation to include "F" orders in the exception 
for requiring Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.245-1.

5. Enhancement:  Modified the validation that required FAR 52.223-18 to require 
at least one of FAR 52.212-5 and 52.223-18.

6. Enhancement:  For modifications, added warnings when the same clause is added 
and deleted. (warning)

7. Enhancement:  Added checks to ensure that required clauses are not removed and 
unallowed clauses are not added as part of the modification  (warning)

8. Enhancement:  Added check that the Contract Administration Office Department 
of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC) must have Procurement Authority Flag 
= "Y" in the Defense Automatic Addressing System Center Inquiry (DAASINQ).  

9. Problem:  Because of the number of files being processed, production GEX has 
continuous back logs.

Solution:  Several changes were made to use Ab Initio components instead of 
customized code, to replace index calculations with variables for both loop 
counters and array indexing (i.e. replace "for (j, j < length of (LI))" with "let 
LEN_LI = Length_of(LI), for (J, J , LEN_LI)" ), and to consolidate lines of code 
from 230,000 to 200,000.

PDS-X12 v19

1. Problem:  The 3050 X12 850 BEG03 and BEG04 header elements are missing some
mapping from the Procurement Data Standard (PDS) version 2.5 Award XML.

Solution:  Corrected both the BEG03 and BEG04 mapping process to reference 
UniformProcurementInstrumentIdentifier if ProcurementInstrumentNumber is not

2. Problem:  The 3050 X12 850 N901 and N903 header elements are missing some
mapping from the PDS version 2.5 Award XML.

Solution: Corrected both the N901 and N903 mapping process to handle when
RegulationOrSupplement has a value of "DFARS".

3. Problem:  The 3050 X12 850 N902 header element is not finding the first
character that is not a number, decimal point or dash, and then truncates
everything from that character to the end from the PDS version 2.5 Award XML.

Solution:  Corrected the N902 mapping process to ensure it contains only a 
numeric amount value.

4. Enhancement:  Reviewed and updated the 4010 and 3050 X12 850 data element 
code from the PDS versions 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5 Award XML field code description 
lookup table crosswalks as approved by the Defense Contract Management Agency 

PDS-X12-MOD v18

1. Enhancement:  Added new required 860 (3050) segments to the XML to X12 mapping.

2. Enhancement:  Added new 860 (3050) lookup tables for matching XML enumerations 
to X12 restriction lists.