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Reserved Area Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS)

README for GEX 5.0 Map Update
Version 24
10 March 2017





Enhancement:  Added DCPS-BMER-DAI3 map family (WebSphere TX 8.0) to support the 
import of the Defense Civilian Payroll System (DCPS) BiWeekly Master Employee 
Record (BMER) files with additional Disable Veteran Leave information.  This new 
message type will replace the DCPS-BMER-DAI2 message type and features the added 
capability for DCPS to provide the following additional data elements:
Forthcoming guidance will be provided regarding channel configuration and 
deployment strategy.

NOTE: Prior to the anticipated receipt of BMER files with additional Disable 
Veteran Leave information, the channels currently calling the DCPS-BMER-DAI2 
message type will need to be modified to instead call the DCPS-BMER-DAI3 message 
type.  Additionally, the DCPS-BMER-DAI3 lookup tables will be need to be modified 
by copying the current DCPS-BMER-DAI2 lookup tables.  


Enhancement:  Modified the U2X map to start populating the originalFileName 
element in the resulting DAI XML.


Enhancement:  Removed Action Type "RPL" from the E500 record type to comply with 
the latest logical map updates.


1. Enhancement: For WAWF Invoice Phase 7, added business rules to map the 810C
extract to eXtensible Markup Language (XML) XML with the PerformanceStart_Date 
and PerformanceEnd_Date elements if the 810C extract contains DTM^186 and/or 
DTM^187 segments. These XML tags already exist in the Invoice schema but were 
not used in the 810C because they were related to the Financial Accounting and 
Budgeting System (FABS) Telecom Service invoice Engineering Change Proposal 
(ECP) that is mapped into X12. WAWF Standard Invoice subscribers who want to 
receive these new dates in the 810C XML will need to be configured in the 
routingformat.tbl as Phase 7 or higher phases, if applicable in the future. 
These dates are suppressed from the XML for all phases prior to Phase 7.

2. Enhancement: As requested by the Defense Enterprise Accounting and Management 
System (DEAMS), added the capability to suppress Invoice Reversal transactions 
This function references the value of the Suppression Flag element in the 
routingformat.tbl RAC lookup. If the flag value is "R" and the extract is one of 
the Reversal types the WAWF4-INV map will add a "CNX-" prefix to the 
WAWF4-INV-GSTO routing variable. This will allow GEX to send the transaction to 
a Discard route that should already be configured to handle the existing 
suppression functions for both Correction AND Reversal transactions when the 
Suppression Flag is "Y".

NOTE: This update provides a revised routingformat.tbl with Suppression Flag
description information in the header. The table includes all of the active
entries present in the DISA Ogden routingformat.tbl file as of 20170216. Any
changes made to the production table since that date will need to be manually 
added again after this update is installed. The DEAMS entry is already configured
with the new Suppression Flag value "R".