README for GEX 5.0 Map Update
Version 11
15 July 2016
Enhancement: Added new message type NERP-PT in support of Navy Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) requirements to process PowerTrack/Syncada invoices.
This message type will replace the ONEPAY-PT message type currently in use on
the outgoing Navy ERP invoice channel. The NERP-PT map is dependent on the
batch process shared library (libiface_postbatch_NERP-PT.sl) to be installed in
conjunction with this update only on the DLA Transaction Services Enclave GEX VM.
Problem: The CAPS-SPS graph now requires mapping of the Contract Number
element using the AwardBasicNumber in order to process Standard Procurement
System (SPS) SR16 data. The data value in that element does not have the dash
delimiters that the Computerized Accounts Payable System - Windows (CAPS-W)
requires. The dashes are being removed as required by the upstream EDA-SPSA map.
Solution: Revised the SPS-PRE-CAPS mapping to copy the first 16 positions of
the DocumentNumber into the AwardBasicNumber. This action restores the required
dashes that were removed by the EDA-SPSA mapping and allows the proper Contract
Number formatting to be mapped by the CAPS-SPS graph into the PO and PL records.
Enhancement: In support of the Item Unique Identification (IUID) Registry 5.9
release, changed the Contract Order Number validation from max 4 to max 19
Enhancement: The Enterprise Business System (EBS) is experiencing 810 Invoice
failures at the X12 to IDOC map for the 1/PER/120 segment. The WAWF3-INV map
will enforce PER03-PER04 conditional rules and not map PER03 when PER04 data
elements are not present.
Enhancement: The Enterprise Business System (EBS) is experiencing 810 Invoice
failures at the X12 to IDOC map for the 1/PER/120 segment. The WAWF3-RA map
will enforce PER03-PER04 conditional rules and not map PER03 when PER04 data
elements are not present.