The DoDAAD is DoD Critical Infrastructure Security Information (CISI), in accordance with 10 U.S.C. § 130e, and is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) pursuant to 5 USC 552(b)(3), and is designated as Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). This data is maintained and owned by the Departments of the Federal Government via their respective DoDAAD Central Service Points (CSPs). The designation and protective marking of the DoDAAD, identifying it as CUI, and categorization as CISI prohibit release of the DoDAAD, DoDAACs, and RICs, and the data contained within them, outside of the Federal Government. Because there is a potential for abuse in the use of these DoDAACs and RICs, and the data associated with them in the DoDAAD, Departments of the Federal Government shall establish stringent internal controls to ensure that the codes and data are used only by authorized personnel. It is imperative that all requests for activity address codes, deletions to codes, or changes thereto, be forwarded to the appropriate CSP, or delegated Monitor, in order to assure proper validity of the request. Furthermore, personnel with access to the DoDAAD are responsible for safeguarding it, and will ensure that further distribution is restricted to personnel with an official need to know and proper authorization. Any such further distribution will be minimized, encrypted, and documented accordingly as CUI. By selecting “agree” below, I am agreeing that I have an official need to know which has been properly authorized and that I will not distribute information I am able to access to anyone who does not have such authorization.