This page serves as a central resource for information related to the DAAS Report Modernization effort, a critical initiative aimed at transitioning legacy reporting applications to a modernized platform. This effort supports improved functionality, interoperability, and efficiency while aligning with the objectives outlined in the Performance Work Statement (PWS).
The purpose of this page is to provide vendors with additional resources to aid in the preparation of their proposals. It serves as an annex for supplementary materials that support a comprehensive understanding of DAAS requirements and expectations.
Appendix A: Reporting Applications Overview (DOCX)
Appendix A offers a detailed description of the reporting applications referenced in the PWS, including their functional purposes, software,
and UI capabilities. This document provides essential context for vendors to address the scope and requirements effectively.
Please note that the content of this page will be frozen once the RFP is released to ensure consistency and fairness during the proposal process.
Additional resources and updates will be added to this page prior to the RFP release to provide vendors with the most accurate and up-to-date information available.