The Logistics Metrics Analysis Reporting
S (LMARS) has capability to track material as it flows through the logistics pipeline and report the associated response times. The office of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Logistics, has identified twelve segments for measuring the logistics pipeline. These segments are:
Requisition Submission Time
Elapsed time from the date on the requision to the date the requisition was
received at Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS). DAAS compares the requisition date to DAAS Receipt Date
to determine the lapsed days.
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Service Processing Time
Elapsed time from the transmission of the requisition to the Service by DAAS to the re-transmission of the requisition by service back
to DAAS for routing to the ICP for fill.
Initial Source Processing Time (ISPT)
Elapsed time from transmission of requisition by DAAS to receipt by DAAS of supply action (i.e., a material release or issue instruction or a supply status
transaction indicating a direct vendor delivery) from the ICP.
Storage Activity Processing Time
(Distribution Depot Storage
Processing & Transportation
Time) (DSST & DTHT)
Elapsed time from receipt at DAAS of material release order or DVD to the shipment date shown in a shipment status transaction received by DAAS.
Depot to Containerization Point
Transportation Time
Elapsed time from shipment of material from depot to arrival of material at
containerization point.
Containerization Point Processing
Time (CPT)
Elapsed time from receipt of material by container consolidation point until release of the material by container consolidation point.
CONUS In Transit Time (CIT)
For CONUS customers it is the elapsed time from release of the shipment to the carrier until receipt by the CONUS consignee. For OCONUS Customers it is the
elapsed time from release of the shipment to the carrier to receipt at the port of embarkation for shipments not going through the CCP and the elapsed time
from release of the shipment to the carrier to receipt at the container consolidation point for shipments going through the CCP.
Port of Embarkation Processing Time (POET)
Elapsed time from receipt at port of embarkation until lift from the port of embarkation.
In Transit to Theater Time (ITTT)
Elapsed time from lift at the port of embarkation to receipt at the port of
Port of Debarkation Processing Time (PODT)
Elapsed time from the date the material is received at the port of
debarkation until lift from the port of debarkation.
In Transit In Theater Time (IITT)
Elapsed time from release by the port of debarkation until the date the
material is received by the consignee.
Receipt Take-Up Time (RTT)
Elapsed time from receipt by the consignee to posting in the consignee's
stock records or issue to the ultimate customer indicated by the
customer receipt date in the MRA transaction.
Total Pipeline Time (TPT)
Elapsed time from requisition serial date to customer receipt date in
the MRA transaction.
The Logistics Metrics Analysis Reporting
System (LMARS)
at DAAS maintains logistics pipeline information for all wholesale items. LMARS
is populated with information from the MILSTRIP and MILSTRAP transactions that
flow through DAAS. LMARS reports response time within any of the 12
nodes of the logistics pipeline. All reporting time frames are in terms of days
LMARS maintains data from its inception, February 1997. Standard reports are available on a monthly basis.