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LIDS reports are:

  • extracted from a history database of transactions processed by DAAS.

  • published on a monthly, quarterly, semiannual or required basis.

Special Reports related to transactions processed by DAAS are available upon official request. These reports will be published on an on-time or temporary basis.

Continuing reports require approval and the assignment on a Reports Control Symbol (RCS).

Changes or additions to standard reports described below, require prior approval of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).

The following reports are standard reports and are available through the Logistics Reports application, Total Report Management Solution (TRMS), and depending on size, on magnetic tape cartridge or floppy disks.

Section 1.   Transaction Volumes by Document Identifier Codes, transactions rejected, passed, and various other, such as rejected for invalid DoDAAC, RI to etc.

Section 2.   Transactions volumes by origins. This section reflects the transaction transmitted to Transaction Services. It is prepared by Service/Agency. A special Section is also prepared for Naval Ships by associated activities.

Section 3. This section is divided into two subsections, basic and supplementals

Section 3, Supp 1.  Basic involves monthly volumes by Service/Agency routing indicator codes. This includes counts of requisitions, passing orders, referral orders, issue transactions, total demands, cancellations, AFT follow-ups, AT_, and Materiel Release Orders (A5_) by priorities, and customer excess report transactions to/from Military Routing Identifier (MILRI) Codes. 

Section 3, Supp 2.   involves Inventory Control Point Excess Report Transaction Volumes. This report is prepared monthly with 12 months accumulation.

Section 4.  Item Action Frequency. This section reflects the frequency of requisitions on NIINS. It is prepared separately for each Service/Agency.

a. Section 4, Part 2

Section 5. High Action Items. This section pertains to items in Section 4 which were requisitioned more than 100 times in one month. It is prepared monthly for each Service/Agency, NSN, Quantity requisitioned by ServiceAgency, and SOS.

Section 6. Reserved for future Use.

Section 7.  Communications Pipeline (Transaction Date versus Message Header Date). This report is prepared for Service/Agency to show number of requisitions by different time lapse frequency. The report is prepared by comparing transactions date by message date.

Section 8. Communications Pipeline (Transactions Date versus Date received by Transaction Services). The report is prepared by comparing the date in the requisition with date received by Transaction Services.

Section 9. Communications Pipeline. (Message Date/Time versus Date/Time received by Transaction Services. This report is prepared to show number of transactions in different time lapses(0-1, 1-4 hours etc.)

Section 10.  Communications Pipeline Extract. This is similar to Section 7-8-9, except it is tailored to specific days, activities, communications routing indicator etc. Prepared upon special request only.

Section 11. Transaction Services FMS Notice of Availability (NOA) Transactions (AD_).

a. Part 2. FMS Notice of Availibility Rejects

See Transaction Services Manual DoD 4000.25-10-M.

Section 12. Transaction Services Source Of Supply (SOS) Records. This report is divided into two parts.

a. Part I. Transaction Services SOS File Summary.  This part of Section 12 contains statistical data pertaining to the Transaction Services SOS records. This report is prepared for each Service/Agency and the report will be distributed to the Transaction Services Focal Points as requested.

b. Pary II. Transaction Services Interim SOS file. This part of Section 12 contains a complete list of Transaction Services Interim SOS records. Distributed upon request.

Section 13. Reserved for future use.

Section 14. Reserved for future use.

Section 15. Country Code/Contractor Up/Down Traffic Report. This section reflects the monthly volumes received and transmitted by the FMS/MAP Grant Air Countries and DoD and Defense Logistics Agency Contractors.

Section 16. This report is prepared for the U.S. Air Force. Specific logistics data is extracted for analysis of base performance standards. This section is prepared monthly. It contains statistical data indicating performance factors for supply points with selected Air Force major commands, and selected USAF Bases .

a. Supp. 1 - Air Force Command Rejects

b. Supp 2 - Air Force Pipeline Reports

Section 17. Reserved

Section 18.   Report of Logistics Information for Marine Corps Only. Selected Unit Transactions Statistics.This report contains the requisition and supply status transaction volume by Marine Corps Activity.

a. Part 2 - Requisition Action to Supply Sources. This report lists the number of transactions passed or routed to supply sources by Transaction Services for each Marine Corps Activity.

Section 19. Reserved

Section 20. Reserved

Section 21. Delinquent Shipment Summary--Material Receipt Acknowledgement Document (MRAD) Nonresponse

a. This section reflects delinquent MRADS for which 90 calendar days have passed since the date shipped as reflected in the shipment status with exclusions as cited in DoD 4140.22-M, MILSTRAP. This section is prepared quarterly by requisitioning Service/Agency and is divided into two subsections and a recapitulation of grand totals.

(1) Subsection 1 contains the total number of Document Identifier (DI) codes AS_/AU_ for each applicable activity for which no MRAD (D6S) has been received and the 90-180 calendar days have passed since the ship date reflected in the shipment status. The sequence is by requisitioning activity within service/agency; by priority group I (1-3), II (4-8), iii (9-15); total of all priority groups; with a grand total for each priority group.

(2) Subsection 2 contains the total number of DI Codes AS_/AU_ for each applicable activity for which no MRAD has been received and over 180 calendar days have elapsed since the ship date reflected in the shipment status.

 (3) The recapitulation of grand totals contains a recap of open lines as contained in subsections 1 and 2; responses received that matched or did not match to the shipment status in the Shipment Status Correlation File (SSCF); and the percentages of the matched, unmatched, and delinquent MRADS.

* "Open Lines" contains the grand total by Service/Agency of all AS_/AU_ transactions in SSCF for which no MRAD has been received which have aged 1-89 calendar days, 90-180 calendar days, and over 180 calendar days.

* "Responses" contain two categories and a total which reflect MRADS received that were matched or unmatched to the SSCF.

* "Percentages" contain three categories that reflect the percentages of MRADS that matched the SSCF and MRADS that did matched the SSCF based on total response received. The percentages of delinquent MRADs (cumulative figure of open line 90 calendar days and over) is determined from the SSCF based on the ship date reflected in the shipment status transactions.

Section 22. FAA Activity Report: This report is broken out by the following categories:

a By Issue priority groups:, IPG I (1-3), IPG II (4-8) and IPG III (9-15).

b From Source of Supply (SOS): Military Routing Identifier Code (MILRIC)

c Supply Status Codes

d Individual Totals, for each DI Code, within priority, for each SoS, and grand totals.

Section 23. FAA BB, BC Quarterly Report: A summary, by NSN line item, showing the number of open backorders, by SOS and the grand total of FAA Backorders held by each SOS.

Section 24. Department of Agriculture, this report is deleted

Section 25. DAAS furnishes the U. S. Department of State copies of selected transactions in which the requisitions activity address begins with "19". DAAS list selected status transactions, based on status codes specified by the Department of State, and furnishes this report to the Department of State.

Specific questions concerning these reports may be directed to the
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This site was reviewed/updated on May 26, 2022